
Privacy Policy (referred to as "the Company") has established this Privacy Policy ("Policy") to outline the handling of personal information of users ("Users") who engage with the services provided on this website ("Services").

Article 1: Definition of Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to any data that can identify a specific individual, as defined by applicable U.S. privacy laws. This includes, but is not limited to, a person’s name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact details, as well as identifying information such as appearance, fingerprint or voiceprint data, and health insurance numbers.

Article 2: Collection of Personal Information

We may collect personal information such as names, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, and driver's license numbers when a User registers to use our Services. Additionally, we may collect transaction records and payment information shared between the User and our business partners ("Partners"), which include information providers, advertisers, and ad distributors.

Article 3: Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

We collect and use personal information for the following purposes:


To provide and operate our Services


To respond to inquiries from Users, including identity verification


To inform Users about new features, updates, campaigns, and other services offered by the Company


To communicate necessary information regarding maintenance, important notices, etc.


To identify and restrict users who violate the Terms of Use or attempt fraudulent activities


To enable Users to view, modify, or delete their registered information or usage status


To process charges for paid services


For purposes incidental to those listed above

Article 4: Changes to the Purpose of Use

The Company may change the purpose of using personal information only when it is reasonably related to the original purpose. Any changes in the purpose of use will be communicated to the User or made publicly available on this website.

Article 5: Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

1. We will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the User, except in the following circumstances:


When required to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and obtaining consent is difficult


When it is necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and obtaining consent is difficult


When cooperation with government agencies or local authorities is required by law, and obtaining consent could interfere with official duties


When the following details have been previously communicated or made public:
a. The intent to provide personal information to third parties
b. The specific data items provided to third parties
c. The method of providing the information to third parties
d. The option for the User to request the cessation of such provision
e. How to submit such a request

2. In the following cases, the recipient of personal information is not considered a third party:


When we outsource the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use


When personal information is transferred as part of a business succession due to mergers or other corporate restructuring


When personal information is shared with a specific party, provided that the User is notified in advance of the shared use and the scope, purpose, and responsible party for the management of the information.

Article 6: Disclosure of Personal Information

1. Upon request, we will disclose personal information to the requesting individual without delay, except in the following cases:


If disclosure could harm the life, body, property, or other rights of the User or a third party


If disclosure could significantly impede our business operations


If disclosure would violate any laws or regulations

2. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for each request for disclosure of personal information.

3. The Company will not disclose any information other than personal information, such as historical data or characteristic information, under this provision.

Article 7: Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

If a User believes that their personal information held by the Company is incorrect, they may request its correction, addition, or deletion ("Correction, etc.") through procedures specified by the Company. Upon receiving such a request, we will promptly make the necessary corrections if warranted.

If the Company makes or decides not to make a correction, the User will be notified promptly.

Article 8: Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If a User requests the suspension of use or deletion ("Suspension of Use, etc.") of their personal information on the grounds that it was handled beyond the scope of its intended use or obtained by improper means, the Company will investigate the claim and take appropriate action promptly.

If we decide that the Suspension of Use, etc. is necessary, we will take the appropriate action without delay. The User will be notified of the decision to either suspend use or not.

If it is difficult to suspend use due to cost or other challenges, alternative measures to protect the User's rights will be taken.

Article 9: Changes to Privacy Policy

This Policy may be updated or changed without prior notice to Users, except where required by law. The revised Privacy Policy will become effective once posted on the website, unless otherwise specified by the Company.

Article 10: Contact Information

For any inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact: CatsMe support group